Terms and Conditions


  1. Who we are

We are allcareers365.com, an online news publication published by Goldenshade(Pty) Ltd

We are registered in South Africa.

  1. Content on this website

Most of the content on this website is ours and subject to our copyright, but some of the content is owned by others. For instance where we link to other websites.

You may:

  • use and enjoy the content for your own personal information purposes; and
  • share our posts on social media.

If you want to use the content for any other purpose, please ask our permission first. You can contact us .

  1. Rules of use
  • To comply with all applicable laws when using our website.
  • Don’t use any element of our website, including our name, logo, trademark, and design, without our written consent.
  • Don’t use any automated means (like spiders or crawlers or interfaces that we have not authorized) to access the website, extract data or otherwise interfere with or modify content, functionality, or rendering.
  • Don’t access or tamper with non-public areas of the website, our computer systems, or any of our suppliers’ systems.
  • Don’t avoid, deactivate, reverse engineer or damage any security measures that protect our website.
  • Don’t forge headers or manipulate identifiers to disguise the origin of content.
  • Don’t upload content or any file to our website.
  • Don’t create new links for our content.
  • Don’t send us spam, ads, or malicious communication.
  • Don’t reproduce, copy, sell, trade, resell or exploit any part of the website for commercial reasons.
  1. Opinions

The opinions of advertisers, writers, commenters, and contributors are theirs and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of search67.com, Volongonya, or any of our affiliates.

  1. Your personal information

We will keep your personal information confidential. Read our privacy notice to see how we collect and use personal information.

  1. Third-party websites

Sometimes we link to third-party websites that are not ours or under our control. We cannot accept responsibility for the quality, content, nature, or reliability of third-party websites.


  1. What this notice is about

During our interactions, you share personal information with , a division of Goldenshade (Pty) Ltd.

This notice tells you what to expect when we collect and use your information. We may need to update it occasionally, but we will inform you when we do. You should read this notice along with the terms of use.