Apply for RDP housing subsidy

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Residents of Gauteng can apply for housing subsidy provided by government through services such as Breaking New Ground (BNG) which was previously known as the Reconstruction and Development Programme (RDP).

Applying for a Reconstruction and Development Programme (RDP) housing subsidy in South Africa involves several steps and requirements. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you through the process:

Eligibility Criteria

  1. Age and Citizenship
    • You must be a South African citizen or have permanent residency.
    • You must be over 18 years old.
  2. Income
    • Your total household income must be less than R3,500 per month.
  3. Marital Status
    • Single individuals with dependents, or married individuals (including those in long-term partnerships), are eligible.
  4. Previous Ownership
    • You or your spouse must not have previously owned property.
  5. Previous Government Assistance
    • You must not have received a government housing subsidy before.

RELATED : The Process of applying for RDP

Required Documents

Prepare the following documents for your application:

  • Certified ID copies of all household members.
  • Birth certificates of children (if applicable).
  • Marriage certificate (if married).
  • Proof of income (such as payslips or a letter from the employer).
  • Affidavit for individuals without a formal income (stating income status).

Application Process

  1. Visit the Nearest Housing Office
    • Locate your nearest Department of Human Settlements or Municipal Housing office.
  2. Fill Out the Application Form
    • Obtain the RDP housing subsidy application form from the housing office or download it from the Department of Human Settlements website.
  3. Submit Your Application
    • Submit your completed application form along with all the required documents to the housing office.
  4. Verification and Approval
    • The Department of Human Settlements will verify your application and conduct a means test to ensure you meet the eligibility criteria.
  5. Waiting List
    • Approved applicants are placed on a waiting list. The waiting time varies depending on the availability of houses and the demand in your area.
  6. Notification
    • You will be notified when a house becomes available. The allocation of houses is typically done on a first-come, first-served basis.

Checking Application Status

  • You can check the status of your RDP housing application by visiting the housing office where you applied or by contacting the Department of Human Settlements.

RELATED : The Process of applying for RDP

Additional Tips

  • Update Information: Ensure you keep your contact details and personal information updated with the housing office to avoid missing any notifications.
  • Community Assistance: Some community organizations may offer assistance in completing and submitting your application.

Useful Contacts


Applying for an RDP housing subsidy requires careful preparation and adherence to the eligibility criteria. Ensure you have all the necessary documents and complete the application form accurately to avoid delays. Patience is crucial, as the process can take time due to high demand and limited availability.

Submit application

Forms for Municipalities

  • Template Forms
    Project application templates for completion by municipal officials for submission to the Department of Human Settlements.

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